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Demo video1: Delete a node in BST
Data Structures and Algorithms
Data Structures for academics course at Algorithm Training training institute requires prior knowledge on programming languages like C or Java orPython. This course is designed for students who are studying their Data structures and Algorithms course in their academics. Even any non computer science student can join the course to master their programming skills. Here we are going to discuss and implement the topics and problems. This course would hep you to write efficient programs. Hence this is one of the Best Data structures And Algorithms Training In Bangalore or Data Structures and Algorithms Training In Hyderabad
Course Details:
Duration: 1 month
time : 6 pm
Mode : class room or online
Course Fee: 300usd
Trainer Details:
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DSA Alumni
Mr Srihari trained nearly 30 students on Data Structures and Algorithms….. He trained ppl from student to 20 years of real time experienced ppl and students from various cities in India and Countries like USA, Australia, UK …etc. click here for Data Structures and Algorithms old batches details
Course Content
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Course content for Data Structures and Algorithms for interviews
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Course Content for DATA STRUCTURES Academics:
SNO | Topic | Sub topic | No. of hrs |
1 | Algorithm Analysis | How to analyse a program
Big O notation Theta notation Omega notation |
1 |
2 | Stacks | a)Array implementation
b) Linked list implementation create stack() isempty() push() pop() Check for balanced parentheses in an expression Infix to post fix conversion Evaluate postfix expression
2 |
3 | Recursion | Recursion analysis using stack frames
Recursion analysis using recursion tree
Analysis of factorial problem Analysis of fib series |
1 |
4 | queues | a)Array and linked list implementation of a queue
create queue() isempty() insert() remove() b) circular queue c) double ended queue |
2 |
5 | Linked Lists | Why linked list
linked list implementation node structure Implement following routines getnode() insertFront() insertAfter() insertEnd() DelFirst() DelEnd() DeleAfter() Implementation of the following problems
1.Insert new node at front end of linked list
2. Delete the first node at the front of the LL
3.Implement Stack using LL
4. Insert at end of the linked list
5. Insert an element into sorted LL 6.Insert new node after the given node
7. Delete the node with data x in LL
5 |
6 | Doubly linked list | setLeft()
setRight() remove() removeLeft() RemoveRight() DLL NODE structure 1.Implement insert front DLL 2.Implement delete front node 3.Delete Given Node 4.Insert After the given node 5.Insert before the given node |
1 |
7 | Binary Tree and Binary Search trees | a) Tree terminology
b) General tree a) expression tree b)Binary Tree e) Tree traversal PreTraversal() postTraversal() inorderTrav() f) Construct original tree from given pre order and in order traversals.
g) Construct original tree from given post order and in order traversals.
a) createtree() b) setleft() c) setRight() d) createTree() e) disposeTree() f) FindKey)_ g) findMin() h) findMax() i) find inorder successor, predecessor
j) Tree delete operation
k)Level Order traversal
5 |
8 | AVL tree |
a) LR
b) RL
c) LL
d) RR
1 |
9 | Sorting | Bubble sort
Insertion sort Quick sort Merge sort Heap sort Priority queue |
3 |
10 | searching | Linear Search
Binary search |
1 |
11 | Hashing | open hashing
closed hashing implementation of hash table |
1 |
12 | Divide and conquer |
Merge Sort
Quick Sort
Binary Search
1 |