Oracle SQL Data Types

Oracle Data Types


Oracle String data types

CHAR(size) It is used to store character data within the predefined length. It can be stored up to 2000 bytes.
NCHAR(size) It is used to store national character data within the predefined length. It can be stored up to 2000 bytes.
VARCHAR2(size) It is used to store variable string data within the predefined length. It can be stored up to 4000 byte.
VARCHAR(SIZE) It is the same as VARCHAR2(size). You can also use VARCHAR(size), but it is suggested to use VARCHAR2(size)
NVARCHAR2(size) It is used to store Unicode string data within the predefined length. We have to must specify the size of NVARCHAR2 data type. It can be stored up to 4000 bytes.

Oracle Numeric Data Types

NUMBER(p, s) It contains precision p and scale s. The precision p can range from 1 to 38, and the scale s can range from -84 to 127.
FLOAT(p) It is a subtype of the NUMBER data type. The precision p can range from 1 to 126.
BINARY_FLOAT It is used for binary precision( 32-bit). It requires 5 bytes, including length byte.
BINARY_DOUBLE It is used for double binary precision (64-bit). It requires 9 bytes, including length byte.

Oracle Date and Time Data Types

DATE It is used to store a valid date-time format with a fixed length. Its range varies from January 1, 4712 BC to December 31, 9999 AD.
TIMESTAMP It is used to store the valid date in YYYY-MM-DD with time hh:mm:ss format.

Oracle Large Object Data Types (LOB Types)

BLOB It is used to specify unstructured binary data. Its range goes up to 232-1 bytes or 4 GB.
BFILE It is used to store binary data in an external file. Its range goes up to 232-1 bytes or 4 GB.
CLOB It is used for single-byte character data. Its range goes up to 232-1 bytes or 4 GB.
NCLOB It is used to specify single byte or fixed length multibyte national character set (NCHAR) data. Its range is up to 232-1 bytes or 4 GB.
RAW(size) It is used to specify variable length raw binary data. Its range is up to 2000 bytes per row. Its maximum size must be specified.
LONG RAW It is used to specify variable length raw binary data. Its range up to 231-1 bytes or 2 GB, per row.