SQL Table

Table is a collection of data, organized in terms of rows and columns. In DBMS term, table is known as relation and row as tuple.

Note: A table has a specified number of columns, but can have any number of rows.

Table is the simple form of data storage. A table is also considered as a convenient representation of relations.

Let's see an example of an employee table:

Ankit Lucknow 15000
Raman Allahabad 18000
Mike New York 20000

In the above table, "Employee" is the table name, "EMP_NAME", "ADDRESS" and "SALARY" are the column names. The combination of data of multiple columns forms a row e.g. "Ankit", "Lucknow" and 15000 are the data of one row.

SQL TABLE Variable

The SQL Table variable is used to create, modify, rename, copy and delete tables. Table variable was introduced by Microsoft.

It was introduced with SQL server 2000 to be an alternative of temporary tables.

It is a variable where we temporary store records and results. This is same like temp table but in the case of temp table we need to explicitly drop it.

Table variables are used to store a set of records. So declaration syntax generally looks like CREATE TABLE syntax.

  1. create table "tablename"
  2. ("column1" "data type",
  3. "column2" "data type",
  4. ...
  5. "columnN" "data type");

When a transaction rolled back the data associated with table variable is not rolled back.

A table variable generally uses lesser resources than a temporary variable.

Table variable cannot be used as an input or an output parameter.



Last Updated : 10 Jun, 2024

CREATE TABLE command creates a new table in the database in SQL. In this article, we will learn about CREATE TABLE in SQL with examples and syntax.


SQL CREATE TABLE Statement is used to create a new table in a database. Users can define the table structure by specifying the column’s name and data type in the CREATE TABLE command.

This statement also allows to create table with constraints, that define the rules for the table. Users can create tables in SQL and insert data at the time of table creation.


To create a table in SQL, use this CREATE TABLE syntax:

CREATE table table_name
Column1 datatype (size),
column2 datatype (size),
columnN datatype(size)

Here table_name is name of the table, column is the name of column


Let’s look at some examples of CREATE TABLE command in SQL and see how to create table in SQL.


In this example, we will create table in SQL with primary key, named “EMPLOYEE”.

    FirstName VARCHAR(50),
    LastName VARCHAR(50),
    Department VARCHAR(50),
    Salary DECIMAL(10, 2)

CREATE TABLE in SQL and Insert Data

In this example, we will create a new table and insert data into it.

Let us create a table to store data of Customers, so the table name is Customer, Columns are Name, Country, age, phone, and so on.

    CustomerName VARCHAR(50),
    LastName VARCHAR(50),
    Country VARCHAR(50),
    Age INT CHECK (Age >= 0 AND Age <= 99),
    Phone int(10)


table created

To add data to the table, we use INSERT INTO command, the syntax is as shown below:


INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, …) VALUES (value1, value2, …);

Example Query

This query will add data in the table named Subject

INSERT INTO Customer (CustomerID, CustomerName, LastName, Country, Age, Phone)
VALUES (1, 'Shubham', 'Thakur', 'India','23','xxxxxxxxxx'),
       (2, 'Aman ', 'Chopra', 'Australia','21','xxxxxxxxxx'),
       (3, 'Naveen', 'Tulasi', 'Sri lanka','24','xxxxxxxxxx'),
       (4, 'Aditya', 'Arpan', 'Austria','21','xxxxxxxxxx'),
       (5, 'Nishant. Salchichas S.A.', 'Jain', 'Spain','22','xxxxxxxxxx');


create table and insert data

Create Table From Another Table

We can also use CREATE TABLE to create a copy of an existing table. In the new table, it gets the exact column definition all columns or specific columns can be selected.

If an existing table was used to create a new table, by default the new table would be populated with the existing values ??from the old table.


CREATE TABLE new_table_name AS
SELECT column1, column2,…
FROM existing_table_name


SELECT CustomerID, CustomerName
FROM customer;


create table from another table

Note: We can use instead of column name to copy whole table to another table.

Important Points About SQL CREATE TABLE Statement

  • CREATE TABLE statement is used to create new table in a database.
  • It defines the structure of table including name and datatype of columns.
  • The DESC table_name; command can be used to display the structure of the created table
  • We can also add constraint to table like NOT NULL, UNIQUE, CHECK, and DEFAULT.
  • If you try to create a table that already exists, MySQL will throw an error. To avoid this, you can use the CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS syntax.





SQL CREATE TABLE statement is used to create table in a database.

If you want to create a table, you should name the table and define its column and each column's data type.

Let's see the simple syntax to create the table.

  1. create table "tablename"
  2. ("column1" "data type",
  3. "column2" "data type",
  4. "column3" "data type",
  5. ...
  6. "columnN" "data type");

The data type of the columns may vary from one database to another. For example, NUMBER is supported in Oracle database for integer value whereas INT is supported in MySQ

Let us take an example to create a STUDENTS table with ID as primary key and NOT NULL are the constraint showing that these fields cannot be NULL while creating records in the table.

  2. ID INT                           NOT NULL,
  4. AGE INT                         NOT NULL,
  5. ADDRESS CHAR (25),
  7. );

You can verify it, if you have created the table successfully by looking at the message displayed by the SQL Server, else you can use DESC command as follows:


ID Int(11) NO PRI
NAME Varchar(20) NO
AGE Int(11) NO

4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Now you have the STUDENTS table available in your database and you can use to store required information related to students.


Let's see the command to create a table in MySQL database.

  1. CREATE TABLE Employee
  2. (
  3. EmployeeID int,
  4. FirstName varchar(255),
  5. LastName varchar(255),
  6. Email varchar(255),
  7. AddressLine varchar(255),
  8. City varchar(255)
  9. );

SQL CREATE TABLE Example in Oracle

Let's see the command to create a table in Oracle database.

  1. CREATE TABLE Employee
  2. (
  3. EmployeeID number(10),
  4. FirstName varchar2(255),
  5. LastName varchar2(255),
  6. Email varchar2(255),
  7. AddressLine varchar2(255),
  8. City varchar2(255)
  9. );

SQL CREATE TABLE Example in Microsoft SQLServer

Let's see the command to create a table in SQLServer database. It is same as MySQL and Oracle.

  1. CREATE TABLE Employee
  2. (
  3. EmployeeID int,
  4. FirstName varchar(255),
  5. LastName varchar(255),
  6. Email varchar(255),
  7. AddressLine varchar(255),
  8. City varchar(255)
  9. );

Create a Table using another table

We can create a copy of an existing table using the create table command. The new table gets the same column signature as the old table. We can select all columns or some specific columns.

If we create a new table using an old table, the new table will be filled with the existing value from the old table.

The basic syntax for creating a table with the other table is:

  1. CREATE TABLE table_name  AS
  2. SELECT column1, column2,...
  3. FROM old_table_name WHERE ..... ;
  4. The following SQL creates a copy of the employee table.
  5. CREATE TABLE EmployeeCopy AS
  6. SELECT EmployeeID, FirstName, Email
  7. FROM Employee;

SQL Primary Key with CREATE TABLE Statement

The following query creates a PRIMARY KEY on the "D" column when the "Employee" table is created.


  1. CREATE TABLE Employee(
  2. EmployeeID NOT NULL,
  3. FirstName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  4. LastName varchar(255),
  5. City varchar(255),
  6. PRIMARY KEY (EmployeeID)
  7. );

SQL Server / Oracle / MS Access

  1. CREATE TABLE Employee(
  3. FirstName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  4. LastName varchar(255),
  5. City varchar(255)
  6. );

Use the following query to define a PRIMARY KEY constraints on multiple columns, and to allow naming of a PRIMARY KEY constraints.

For MySQL / SQL Server /Oracle / MS Access

  1. CREATE TABLE Employee(
  2. EmployeeID NOT NULL,
  3. FirstName varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  4. LastName varchar(255),
  5. City varchar(255),
  6. CONSTRAINT     PK_Employee PRIMARY KEY (EmployeeID, FirstName)
  7. );




A SQL DROP TABLE statement is used to delete a table definition and all data from a table.

This is very important to know that once a table is deleted all the information available in the table is lost forever, so we have to be very careful when using this command.

Let's see the syntax to drop the table from the database.

  1. DROP TABLE "table_name";

Let us take an example:First we verify STUDENTS table and then we would delete it from the database.

ID Int(11) NO PRI
NAME Varchar(20) NO
AGE Int(11) NO
  1. 4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

This shows that STUDENTS table is available in the database, so we can drop it as follows:


Now, use the following command to check whether table exists or not.

  1. Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

As you can see, table is dropped so it doesn't display it.


Let's see the command to drop a table from the MySQL database.

  1. DROP TABLE table_name;

SQL DROP TABLE Example in Oracle

Let's see the command to drop a table from Oracle database. It is same as MySQL.

  1. DROP TABLE table_name;

SQL DROP TABLE Example in Microsoft SQLServer

Let's see the command to drop a table from SQLServer database. It is same as MySQL.

  1. DROP TABLE table_name;







  1. drop table new_dif;

2. create table new_dif
farm_job number(10) primary key,
lrg number(10) ,
dif number(10) ,
symptom number(10) ,
status number(10) ,
reason number(10)




The DELETE statement is used to delete rows from a table. If you want to remove a specific row from a table you should use WHERE condition.

  1. DELETE FROM table_name [WHERE condition];

But if you do not specify the WHERE condition it will remove all the rows from the table.

  1. DELETE FROM table_name;

There are some more terms similar to DELETE statement like as DROP statement and TRUNCATE statement but they are not exactly same there are some differences between them.

Difference between DELETE and TRUNCATE statements

There is a slight difference b/w delete and truncate statement. The DELETE statement only deletes the rows from the table based on the condition defined by WHERE clause or delete all the rows from the table when condition is not specified.

But it does not free the space containing by the table.

The TRUNCATE statement: it is used to delete all the rows from the table and free the containing space.

Let's see an "employee" table.

Emp_id Name Address Salary
1 Aryan Allahabad 22000
2 Shurabhi Varanasi 13000
3 Pappu Delhi 24000

Execute the following query to truncate the table:

  1. TRUNCATE TABLE employee;


In some situations, database administrators and users want to change the name of the table in the SQL database because they want to give a more relevant name to the table.

Any database user can easily change the name by using the RENAME TABLE and ALTER TABLE statement in Structured Query Language.

The RENAME TABLE and ALTER TABLE syntax help in changing the name of the table.

Syntax of RENAME statement in SQL

  1. RENAME old_table _name To new_table_name ;

Examples of RENAME statement in SQL

Here, we have taken the following two different SQL examples, which will help you how to change the name of the SQL table in the database using RENAME statement:

Example 1: Let's take an example of a table named Cars:

Car Name Car Color Car Cost
Hyundai Creta White 10,85,000
Hyundai Venue White 9,50,000
Hyundai i20 Red 9,00,000
Kia Sonet White 10,00,000
Kia Seltos Black 8,00,000
Swift Dezire Red 7,95,000

Table: Cars

  • Suppose, you want to change the above table name into "Car_2021_Details". For this, you have to type the following RENAME statement in SQL:
  1. RENAME Cars To Car_2021_Details ;
  • After this statement, the table "Cars" will be changed into table name "Car_2021_Details".

Example 2: Let's take an example of a table named Employee:

Emp_Id Emp_Name Emp_Salary Emp_City
201 Abhay 25000 Goa
202 Ankit 45000 Delhi
203 Bheem 30000 Goa
204 Ram 29000 Goa
205 Sumit 40000 Delhi

Table: Employee

  • Suppose, you want to change the name of the above table into the "Coding_Employees". For this, you have to type the following RENAME statement in SQL:
  1. RENAME Employee To Coding_Employees ;
  • After this statement, the table "Employee" will be changed into the table name "Coding_Employees".

Syntax of ALTER TABLE statement in SQL

  1. ALTER TABLE old_table_name RENAME TO new_table_name;

In the Syntax, we have to specify the RENAME TO keyword after the old name of the table.

Examples of ALTER TABLE statement in SQL

Here, we have taken the following three different SQL examples, which will help you how to change the name of the table in the SQL database using ALTER TABLE statement:

Example 1: Let's take an example of a table named Bikes:

Bike_Name Bike_Color Bike_Cost
KTM DUKE Black 185,000
Royal Enfield Black NULL
Pulsar Red 90,0000
Apache White NULL
Livo Black 80,000
KTM RC Red 195,000

Table : Bikes

  • Suppose, you want to change the name of the above table into "Bikes_Details" using ALTER TABLE statement. For this, you have to type the following query in SQL:
  1. ALTER TABLE Bikes RENAME TO Bikes_Details ;

After this statement, the table "Bikes" will be changed into the table name "Bikes_Details".

Example 2: Let's take an example of a table named Student:

Stu_ID Stu_Name Stu_Marks
1001 Abhay 85
1002 Ankit 75
1003 Bheem 60
1004 Ram 79
1005 Sumit 80

Table : Student

  • Suppose, you want to change the name of the above table into "MCA_Student_Details" using ALTER TABLE statement. For this, you have to type the following query in SQL:
  1. ALTER TABLE Student RENAME TO MCA_Student_Details ;

After this statement, the table "Student" will be changed into table name "MCA_Student_Details".

Example 3: Let's take an example of a table named Employee:

Emp_Id Emp_Name Emp_Salary Emp_City
201 Abhay 25000 Goa
202 Ankit 45000 Delhi
203 Bheem 30000 Goa
204 Ram 29000 Goa
205 Sumit 40000 Delhi

Table: Employee

  • Suppose, you want to change the name of the above table into the "Coding_Employees" using an ALTER TABLE statement. For this, you have to type the following query in SQL:
  1. ALTER TABLE Employee RENAME To Coding_Employees ;

After this statement, the table "Employee" will be changed into the table name "Coding_Employees"




A truncate SQL statement is used to remove all rows (complete data) from a table. It is similar to the DELETE statement with no WHERE clause.


Truncate table is faster and uses lesser resources than DELETE TABLE command.


Drop table command can also be used to delete complete table but it deletes table structure too. TRUNCATE TABLE doesn't delete the structure of the table.

Let's see the syntax to truncate the table from the database.

  1. TRUNCATE TABLE table_name;

For example, you can write following command to truncate the data of employee table

  1. TRUNCATE TABLE Employee;

Note: The rollback process is not possible after truncate table statement. Once you truncate a table you cannot use a flashback table statement to retrieve the content of the table.



If you want to copy the data of one SQL table into another SQL table in the same SQL server, then it is possible by using the SELECT INTO statement in SQL.

The SELECT INTO statement in Structured Query Language copies the content from one existing table into the new table. SQL creates the new table by using the structure of the existing table.

Syntax of SELECT INTO statement in SQL

  1. SELECT * INTO New_table_name FROM old_table_name;

Examples of SELECT INTO statement in SQL

In this article, we have taken the following three different SQL examples which will help you how to copy the content of one table into another table in SQL:

Example 1: In this example, we have a table called Cars with three columns:

Car Name Car Color Car Cost
Hyundai Creta White 10,85,000
Hyundai Venue White 9,50,000
Hyundai i20 Red 9,00,000
Kia Sonet White 10,00,000
Kia Seltos Black 8,00,000
Swift Dezire Red 7,95,000

Table: Cars

  1. SELECT * INTO Car_Details FROM Cars;
  • Let's check the Car_Details table is created successfully or not in the database:
  1. SELECT * FROM Car_Details;
Car Name Car Color Car Cost
Hyundai Creta White 10,85,000
Hyundai Venue White 9,50,000
Hyundai i20 Red 9,00,000
Kia Sonet White 10,00,000
Kia Seltos Black 8,00,000
Swift Dezire Red 7,95,000

Table: Car_Details

Example 2: In this example, we have a table called Employee with four columns:

Emp_Id Emp_Name Emp_Salary Emp_City
201 Abhay 25000 Goa
202 Ankit 45000 Delhi
203 Bheem 30000 Goa
204 Ram 29000 Goa
205 Sumit 40000 Delhi
  • Suppose you want to copy the record of the above Employee table into the new table Coding_Employees. For this, you have to type the following query in SQL:
  1. SELECT * INTO Coding_Employees FROM Employee;
  • Let's check the Coding_Employees table is created successfully or not in the database:
  1. SELECT * FROM Coding_Employees;
Emp_Id Emp_Name Emp_Salary Emp_City
201 Abhay 25000 Goa
202 Ankit 45000 Delhi
203 Bheem 30000 Goa
204 Ram 29000 Goa
205 Sumit 40000 Delhi

Table: Coding_Employees

Example 3: In this example, we have a table called Student with four columns:

RollNo Name Marks Age
1001 Bhanu 88 17
1002 Raman 82 16
1003 Sumit 80 16
1004 Shobhit 95 15
1005 Akash 85 16

Table: Student

  • Suppose you want to copy the record of the above Student table into the new table Class_12_Students. For this, you have to type the following query in SQL:
  1. SELECT * INTO Class_12_Students FROM Student;
  • Let's check the table is Class_12_Students table created successfully or not in the database:
  1. SELECT * FROM Class_12_Students;
RollNo Name Marks Age
1001 Bhanu 88 17
1002 Raman 82 16
1003 Sumit 80 16
1004 Shobhit 95 15
1005 Akash 85 16

Table: Class_12_Students

Example 4: In this example, we have a table called Cars with three columns:

Car Name Car Color Car Cost
Hyundai Creta White 10,85,000
Hyundai Venue White 9,50,000
Hyundai i20 Red 9,00,000
Kia Sonet White 10,00,000
Kia Seltos Black 8,00,000
Swift Dezire Red 7,95,000

Table: Cars

  • Suppose you want to copy Car_Color and Car_Name columns of the above Cars table into the new table Car_Color. For this, you have to type the following query in SQL:
  1. SELECT Car_Name, Car_Color INTO Car_Color FROM Cars;
  • Let's check the Car_Color table is created successfully or not in the database:
  1. SELECT * FROM Car_Color;
Car Name Car Color
Hyundai Creta White
Hyundai Venue White
Hyundai i20 Red
Kia Sonet White
Kia Seltos Black
Swift Dezire Red

Table: Car_Color

Syntax of SELECT INTO statement with WHERE clause in SQL

  1. SELECT * INTO New_table_name FROM old_table_name WHERE [ condition ] ;

Examples of SELECT INTO statement with WHERE clause in SQL

Here, we have taken the following three different SQL examples, which will help you how to copy the content of one table into another table with a specific condition in SQL:

Example 1: In this example, we have a table called Cars with three columns:

Car Name Car Color Car Cost
Hyundai Creta Black 10,85,000
Hyundai Venue Black 9,50,000
Hyundai i20 Red 9,00,000
Kia Sonet White 10,00,000
Kia Seltos Black 8,00,000
Swift Dezire Red 7,95,000

Table: Cars

  • Suppose we want to copy only the record of those cars whose color is black. For this, we have to type the following query in SQL:
  1. SELECT * INTO Black_Car_Details FROM Cars WHERE Car_Color = 'Black';
  • Let's check the Black_Car_Details table is created successfully or not in the database:
  1. SELECT * FROM Black_Car_Details;
Car Name Car Color Car Cost
Hyundai Creta Black 10,85,000
Hyundai Venue Black 9,50,000
Kia Seltos Black 8,00,000

Table: Black_Car_Details

Example 2: In this example, we have a table called Employee with four columns:

Emp_Id Emp_Name Emp_Salary Emp_City
201 Abhay 45000 Goa
202 Ankit 45000 Delhi
203 Bheem 38000 Goa
204 Ram 49000 Goa
205 Sumit 40000 Delhi

Table: Employee

  • Suppose we want to copy only the record of those employees whose Salary is more than 40,000. For this, we have to type the following query in SQL:
  1. SELECT * INTO Emp_Salary_40000 FROM Cars WHERE Emp_Salary > 40000;
  • Let's check the Emp_Salary_40000 table created successfully or not in the database:
  1. SELECT * FROM Emp_Salary_40000;
Emp_Id Emp_Name Emp_Salary Emp_City
201 Abhay 45000 Goa
202 Ankit 45000 Delhi
204 Ram 49000 Goa

Table: Emp_Salary_40000




If you want to copy the data of one SQL table into another SQL table in the same SQL server, then it is possible by using the SELECT INTO statement in SQL.

The SELECT INTO statement in Structured Query Language copies the content from one existing table into the new table. SQL creates the new table by using the structure of the existing table.

Syntax of SELECT INTO statement in SQL

  1. SELECT * INTO New_table_name FROM old_table_name;

Examples of SELECT INTO statement in SQL

In this article, we have taken the following three different SQL examples which will help you how to copy the content of one table into another table in SQL:

Example 1: In this example, we have a table called Cars with three columns:

Car Name Car Color Car Cost
Hyundai Creta White 10,85,000
Hyundai Venue White 9,50,000
Hyundai i20 Red 9,00,000
Kia Sonet White 10,00,000
Kia Seltos Black 8,00,000
Swift Dezire Red 7,95,000

Table: Cars

Suppose you want to copy the content of the above Car table into the new table Car_Details. For this, you have to type the following query in SQL:

  1. SELECT * INTO Car_Details FROM Cars;
  • Let's check the Car_Details table is created successfully or not in the database:
  1. SELECT * FROM Car_Details;
Car Name Car Color Car Cost
Hyundai Creta White 10,85,000
Hyundai Venue White 9,50,000
Hyundai i20 Red 9,00,000
Kia Sonet White 10,00,000
Kia Seltos Black 8,00,000
Swift Dezire Red 7,95,000

Table: Car_Details

Example 2: In this example, we have a table called Employee with four columns:

Emp_Id Emp_Name Emp_Salary Emp_City
201 Abhay 25000 Goa
202 Ankit 45000 Delhi
203 Bheem 30000 Goa
204 Ram 29000 Goa
205 Sumit 40000 Delhi
  • Suppose you want to copy the record of the above Employee table into the new table Coding_Employees. For this, you have to type the following query in SQL:
  1. SELECT * INTO Coding_Employees FROM Employee;
  • Let's check the Coding_Employees table is created successfully or not in the database:
  1. SELECT * FROM Coding_Employees;
Emp_Id Emp_Name Emp_Salary Emp_City
201 Abhay 25000 Goa
202 Ankit 45000 Delhi
203 Bheem 30000 Goa
204 Ram 29000 Goa
205 Sumit 40000 Delhi

Table: Coding_Employees

Example 3: In this example, we have a table called Student with four columns:

RollNo Name Marks Age
1001 Bhanu 88 17
1002 Raman 82 16
1003 Sumit 80 16
1004 Shobhit 95 15
1005 Akash 85 16

Table: Student

  • Suppose you want to copy the record of the above Student table into the new table Class_12_Students. For this, you have to type the following query in SQL:
  1. SELECT * INTO Class_12_Students FROM Student;
  • Let's check the table is Class_12_Students table created successfully or not in the database:
  1. SELECT * FROM Class_12_Students;
RollNo Name Marks Age
1001 Bhanu 88 17
1002 Raman 82 16
1003 Sumit 80 16
1004 Shobhit 95 15
1005 Akash 85 16

Table: Class_12_Students

Example 4: In this example, we have a table called Cars with three columns:

Car Name Car Color Car Cost
Hyundai Creta White 10,85,000
Hyundai Venue White 9,50,000
Hyundai i20 Red 9,00,000
Kia Sonet White 10,00,000
Kia Seltos Black 8,00,000
Swift Dezire Red 7,95,000

Table: Cars

  • Suppose you want to copy Car_Color and Car_Name columns of the above Cars table into the new table Car_Color. For this, you have to type the following query in SQL:
  1. SELECT Car_Name, Car_Color INTO Car_Color FROM Cars;
  • Let's check the Car_Color table is created successfully or not in the database:
  1. SELECT * FROM Car_Color;
Car Name Car Color
Hyundai Creta White
Hyundai Venue White
Hyundai i20 Red
Kia Sonet White
Kia Seltos Black
Swift Dezire Red

Table: Car_Color

Syntax of SELECT INTO statement with WHERE clause in SQL

  1. SELECT * INTO New_table_name FROM old_table_name WHERE [ condition ] ;

Examples of SELECT INTO statement with WHERE clause in SQL

Here, we have taken the following three different SQL examples, which will help you how to copy the content of one table into another table with a specific condition in SQL:

Example 1: In this example, we have a table called Cars with three columns:

Car Name Car Color Car Cost
Hyundai Creta Black 10,85,000
Hyundai Venue Black 9,50,000
Hyundai i20 Red 9,00,000
Kia Sonet White 10,00,000
Kia Seltos Black 8,00,000
Swift Dezire Red 7,95,000

Table: Cars

  • Suppose we want to copy only the record of those cars whose color is black. For this, we have to type the following query in SQL:
  1. SELECT * INTO Black_Car_Details FROM Cars WHERE Car_Color = 'Black';
  • Let's check the Black_Car_Details table is created successfully or not in the database:
  1. SELECT * FROM Black_Car_Details;
Car Name Car Color Car Cost
Hyundai Creta Black 10,85,000
Hyundai Venue Black 9,50,000
Kia Seltos Black 8,00,000

Table: Black_Car_Details

Example 2: In this example, we have a table called Employee with four columns:

Emp_Id Emp_Name Emp_Salary Emp_City
201 Abhay 45000 Goa
202 Ankit 45000 Delhi
203 Bheem 38000 Goa
204 Ram 49000 Goa
205 Sumit 40000 Delhi

Table: Employee

  • Suppose we want to copy only the record of those employees whose Salary is more than 40,000. For this, we have to type the following query in SQL:
  1. SELECT * INTO Emp_Salary_40000 FROM Cars WHERE Emp_Salary > 40000;
  • Let's check the Emp_Salary_40000 table created successfully or not in the database:
  1. SELECT * FROM Emp_Salary_40000;
Emp_Id Emp_Name Emp_Salary Emp_City
201 Abhay 45000 Goa
202 Ankit 45000 Delhi
204 Ram 49000 Goa

Table: Emp_Salary_40000



The ALTER TABLE statement in Structured Query Language allows you to add, modify, and delete columns of an existing table. This statement also allows database users to add and remove various SQL constraints on the existing tables.

Any user can also change the name of the table using this statement.

ALTER TABLE ADD Column statement in SQL

In many situations, you may require to add the columns in the existing table. Instead of creating a whole table or database again you can easily add single and multiple columns using the ADD keyword.

Syntax of ALTER TABLE ADD Column statement in SQL

  1. ALTER TABLE table_name ADD column_name column-definition;

The above syntax only allows you to add a single column to the existing table. If you want to add more than one column to the table in a single SQL statement, then use the following syntax

  1. ALTER TABLE table_name
  2. ADD (column_Name1 column-definition,
  3. column_Name2 column-definition,
  4. .....
  5. column_NameN column-definition);

Examples of ALTER TABLE ADD Column statement in SQL

Here, we have taken the following two different SQL examples, which will help you how to add the single and multiple columns in the existing table using ALTER TABLE statement:

Example 1: Let's take an example of a table named Cars:

Car Name Car Color Car Cost
Hyundai Creta White 10,85,000
Hyundai Venue White 9,50,000
Hyundai i20 Red 9,00,000
Kia Sonet White 10,00,000
Kia Seltos Black 8,00,000
Swift Dezire Red 7,95,000

Table: Cars

  • Suppose, you want to add the new column Car_Model in the above table. For this, you have to type the following query in the SQL:
  1. ALTER TABLE Cars ADD Car_Model Varchar(20);

This statement will add the Car_Model column to the Cars table.

Example 2: Let's take an example of a table named Employee:

Emp_Id Emp_Name Emp_Salary Emp_City
201 Abhay 25000 Goa
202 Ankit 45000 Delhi
203 Bheem 30000 Goa
204 Ram 29000 Goa
205 Sumit 40000 Delhi

Table: Employee

  • Suppose, you want to add two columns, Emp_ContactNo. and Emp_EmailID, in the above Employee table. For this, you have to type the following query in the SQL:
  1. ALTER TABLE Employee ADD ( Emp_ContactNo. Number(13), Emp_EmailID varchar(50) ;

This statement will add Emp_ContactNo. and Emp_EmailID columns to the Employee table.

ALTER TABLE MODIFY Column statement in SQL

The MODIFY keyword is used for changing the column definition of the existing table.

Syntax of ALTER TABLE MODIFY Column statement in SQL

  1. ALTER TABLE table_name MODIFY column_name column-definition;

This syntax only allows you to modify a single column of the existing table. If you want to modify more than one column of the table in a single SQL statement, then use the following syntax:

  1. ALTER TABLE table_name
  2. MODIFY (column_Name1 column-definition,
  3. column_Name2 column-definition,
  4. .....
  5. column_NameN column-definition);

Examples of ALTER TABLE MODIFY Column statement in SQL

Here, we have taken the following two different SQL examples, which will help you how to modify single and multiple columns of the existing table using ALTER TABLE statement:

Example 1: Let's take an example of a table named Cars:

Car Name Car Color Car Cost
Hyundai Creta White 10,85,000
Hyundai Venue White 9,50,000
Hyundai i20 Red 9,00,000
Kia Sonet White 10,00,000
Kia Seltos Black 8,00,000
Swift Dezire Red 7,95,000

Table: Cars

  • Suppose, you want to modify the datatype of the Car_Color column of the above table. For this, you have to type the following query in the SQL:
  1. ALTER TABLE Cars ADD Car_Color Varchar(50);

Example 2: Let's take an example of a table named Employee:

Emp_Id Emp_Name Emp_Salary Emp_City
201 Abhay 25000 Goa
202 Ankit 45000 Delhi
203 Bheem 30000 Goa
204 Ram 29000 Goa
205 Sumit 40000 Delhi

Table: Employee

  • Suppose, you want to modify the datatypes of two columns Emp_ContactNo. and Emp_EmailID of the above Employee table. For this, you have to type the following query in the SQL:
  1. ALTER TABLE Employee ADD ( Emp_ContactNo. Int, Emp_EmailID varchar(80) ;

ALTER TABLE DROP Column statement in SQL

In many situations, you may require to delete the columns from the existing table. Instead of deleting the whole table or database you can use DROP keyword for deleting the columns.

Syntax of ALTER TABLE DROP Column statement in SQL

  1. ALTER TABLE table_name DROP Column column_name ;

Examples of ALTER TABLE DROP Column statement in SQL

Here, we have taken the following two different SQL examples, which will help you how to delete a column from the existing table using ALTER TABLE statement:

Example 1: Let's take an example of a table named Cars:

Car Name Car Color Car Cost
Hyundai Creta White 10,85,000
Hyundai Venue White 9,50,000
Hyundai i20 Red 9,00,000
Kia Sonet White 10,00,000
Kia Seltos Black 8,00,000
Swift Dezire Red 7,95,000

Table: Cars

  • Suppose, you want to delete the Car_Color column from the above table. For this, you have to type the following query in the SQL:
  • Let's check using the following statement that the Car_Color column is deleted from the table or not:
  1. SELECT * FROM Cars;
Car Name Car Cost
Hyundai Creta 10,85,000
Hyundai Venue 9,50,000
Hyundai i20 9,00,000
Kia Sonet 10,00,000
Kia Seltos 8,00,000
Swift Dezire 7,95,000

Table: Cars

Example 2: Let's take an example of a table named Employee:

Emp_Id Emp_Name Emp_Salary Emp_City
201 Abhay 25000 Goa
202 Ankit 45000 Delhi
203 Bheem 30000 Goa
204 Ram 29000 Goa
205 Sumit 40000 Delhi

Table: Employee

  • Suppose, you want to delete the Emp_Salary and Emp_City column from the above Employee table. For this, you have to type the following two different queries in the SQL:
  1. ALTER TABLE Cars DROP COLUMN Emp_Salary ;

ALTER TABLE RENAME Column statement in SQL

The RENAME keyword is used for changing the name of columns or fields of the existing table.

Syntax of ALTER TABLE RENAME Column statement in SQL

  1. ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME COLUMN old_name to new_name;

Examples of ALTER TABLE RENAME Column statement in SQL

Here, we have taken the following two different SQL examples, which will help you how to change the name of a column of the existing table using ALTER TABLE statement:

Example 1: Let's take an example of a table named Cars:

Car Name Car Color Car Cost
Hyundai Creta White 10,85,000
Hyundai Venue White 9,50,000
Hyundai i20 Red 9,00,000
Kia Sonet White 10,00,000
Kia Seltos Black 8,00,000
Swift Dezire Red 7,95,000

Table: Cars

  • Suppose, you want to change the name of the Car_Color column of the above Cars table. For this, you have to type the following query in the SQL:
  1. ALTER TABLE Cars RENAME COLUMN Car_Color to Colors;

This statement will change the name of a column of the Cars table. To see the changes, you have to type the following query:

  1. SELECT * FROM Cars;
Car Name Car Color Car Cost
Hyundai Creta White 10,85,000
Hyundai Venue White 9,50,000
Hyundai i20 Red 9,00,000
Kia Sonet White 10,00,000
Kia Seltos Black 8,00,000
Swift Dezire Red 7,95,000

Table: Cars

Example 2: Let's take an example of a table named Employee:

Emp_Id Emp_Name Emp_Salary Emp_City
201 Abhay 25000 Goa
202 Ankit 45000 Delhi
203 Bheem 30000 Goa
204 Ram 29000 Goa
205 Sumit 40000 Delhi

Table: Employee

  • Suppose, you want to change the name of the Emp_City column of the above Employee table. For this, you have to type the following query in the SQL:
  1. ALTER TABLE Employee RENAME COLUMN Emp_City to Emp_Address;

This statement will change the name of a column of the Employee table. To see the changes, you have to type the following query:

  1. SELECT * FROM Employee;
Emp_Id Emp_Name Emp_Salary Emp_Address
201 Abhay 25000 Goa
202 Ankit 45000 Delhi
203 Bheem 30000 Goa
204 Ram 29000 Goa
205 Sumit 40000 Delhi

Table: Employee